A bowl full of Rosemary and sea salt crackers

Making Rosemary And Sea Salt Crackers

31st December 2023 - New Experience Number 49.

I’d never made any sort of edible cracker before, and the picture of the rosemary and sea salt crackers looked delicious. These would be a perfect addition to my new year’s eve buffet of things I’d never tried cooking before.

Finding The Recipe

These crunchy snacks were another Pinterest find, this time from Laughing Spatula who have simple, fresh and easy recipes for everyone. The crackers would be a perfect accompaniment to the whipped feta dip I’d made.

With just a few staple ingredients, it looked like I’d be able to whip up some light and crispy flavoured crackers in next to no time.

Except I don’t have a standing mixer so had to knead the dough by hand. It took me ages. I enjoyed a podcast though whilst I pummelled the flour, water, fresh rosemary, oil and salt into the smooth dough required.

Close up of fresh rosemary, a salt grinder, olive oil and flour, ready to be made into Rosemary and sea salt crackers
Just a few ingredients needed for this snacktastic make

An Abundance Of Rosemary And Sea Salt Crackers

After the dough had come together, and been left to rest, it was time to get cracking.

The instructions were simple to follow and involved cutting the dough into smaller pieces and rolling it out thinly. Apparently, it should have made approximately 16 pieces, but I seemed to make so many more. I’m not quite sure how that happened as I’m certain I used the right amount of ingredients. However, it was not a problem, I had some hungry guests arriving and it’s better to have too many crackers than too few!

Looking down at a wooden chopping board dusted with flour and in the middle is a well kneaded roll of dough.
The dough ready to be cut and rolled

A Quick Bake In The Oven

The last part of the make was to bake the crackers in the oven until they just started to change a golden shade of brown. It didn’t take long at all, and the lovely rosemary fragrance filled the kitchen.

They were perhaps on the thicker side than the ones in the picture looked, and certainly not as neat, but they broke in half with a good snap. They had a satisfying crunch, were light in texture, and the flavour was perfectly balanced.

A large bowl full of delicious looking home made Rosemary and sea salt crackers.
Plenty of crackers - this is just one bowl full!

Responses From Friends Trying Rosemary And Sea Salt Crackers

Of course I sampled a fair few of the crackers before our guests arrived, well it’s important to do some quality assurance isn’t it?

Whilst I was pleased with them, it was what the others thought that mattered. Everyone was complimentary about them, and they went down exceedingly well. They were a perfect nibble that people kept going back to throughout the evening.

Want To Try It Yourself?

Cost Of Experience

  • Buying all of the ingredients for this particular recipe from scratch will cost around £6.50 depending on where you shop.
  • If you do need to buy all of the ingredients from scratch, you’ll be left with a good surplus of flour, oil and salt which you can use in many other recipes.


  • If you have a stand mixer, I’d highly recommend using it to save time in bringing the dough together.

  • Roll your dough as thin as you can.

  • Once you’ve made them once you could experiment with different ingredients.

  • You could play around with shapes, whilst the recipe suggests making long thin crackers, why not try different shapes.

  • Don’t forget to take some pictures and let me know how you get on if you give them a go.

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